Magnific Premium WordPress Theme by WpZoom

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Free Download Magnific Premium WordPress Theme by WpZoom. Magnific is an innovative and flexible theme with multiple page layouts: Magazine Style or Traditional Blog and enhanced with WPZOOM Options Panel.

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Media Online Blogger Template

Free Download Media Online Blogger Template. Media Online is Elegant Magazine Style Blogger Template. This Blogger Template Also Contain Auto Recent Posts Per Labels/Categories and is is a 2 or 3 Column Blogger Template, Automatic Featured Contents, Best SEO Optimized, Ads Ready, Tabs View, In build 10 Recent Posts Widget on Sidebar. 

For Demo:
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Google Adsense Approval trick 2012

Saturday 9 June 2012

Adsense Approval trick 2012

So, 2011 is long gone and thus the Adsense approval tricks are going to be unuseful. The simplest of definitions for this thing is that now adsense will make its approving terms even harder and all the previous tricks won’t work now. So, what you need to try for a simple adsense ID is to use a new trick and thus it may bring an approved adsense ID to you. Do you know that after the previous Google Panda Update, the traffic of many of the sites have fallen and this simply means that now you will have to work even harder and try with new things to get an approved adsense ID. This may tell you to make your blog even more dynamic and trick free.

But, what to do if your blog doesn’t get approved the first time. You need to simply focus on this new trick. The Adsense IDs have been blocked and spammed in the previous year. While leading to removal of your name and site from the list of approved Publishers. You may also need to have some different pages of your own for approval and then you can use the approved ID to earn from your blog.
Do you know?

A lot of Adsense approved IDs were blocked last year including the famous Pakistani Adsense publisher’s IDs.

So, what you basically need to do is find a appropriate ID that will work for a longer time and let you earn according to your needs. This trick is 100% original and genuine and you cannot resist this one surely. The trick has been originally laid on Blogogeek and is our own.

What you need?

An email ID(Gmail), a domain that is 6 months old, basic knowledge of HTML.

How to approve an Adsense ID?

  1. Firstly, you need to create a simple HTML based page.
  2. The page should be as simpler as possible, you can even create some images and logos for the page.
  3. Now, you need to host that page on your domain (top-level, and at least 6 months old).
  4. Now, after you do all of them, just create an Gmail ID.
  5. Fill up all the info properly and just use the same info with the Adsense Publisher form.
  6. Now, submit the form and be patient. The page will surely approve and get what you want(approved adsense ID).

So, the page will approve. But, why. The reason for that is the Adsense approval Algorithim which focuses on how simple the page is. So, keep publishing and keep earning. Good luck with the Google adsense Approval trick 2012.
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How to Make SEO Techniques Work for You

For such a huge scope in the internet market and expectations of the online visitors, it is required to make SEO techniques work for you in quite an effective manner. It is needed here that implementation of the SEO strategy should be done in an authentic manner and thus, this will definitely lead to achieve the success level you have never imagined before. You surely need some extra efforts and tips that can turn the SEO strategy into a comprehensive approach that may benefit you in a long run.

  • The option of selecting the Google Ad words is a very cost effective and reliable process that will give you the much needed benefits. The working principle of the Ad words is to allow the customer to spend an average amount of money for a specific keyword.

  • Keep record of various online directories which can help you in listing your website and thus, provide an opportunity to rank the website to the highest level. There are certain directories which are free of cost and at the same time, they are treated as very reliable methods to implement the working of SEO strategy.

  • Always create an attractive, catchy and luring title containing the target keyword and it should be capable of attracting huge number of customers at the earliest.

  • Use all the available resources on the internet which may help you in employing the techniques in the most effective manner, some of the online page directories and keywords selection process has been trendy and in vogue in the recent few years. Such bold steps will definitely make SEO techniques work for you.

  • Even if you own a website for the SEO purpose you will be happy to own a blog related to the same topic and product which you are willing to promote to the highest standard.

  • Lay emphasis on the much needed website contents, page layout, design and title tags which often attract the attention of SEO experts. The emphasis on these terms wills effectively improve the level of SEO strategy you are adopting and implementing.

In fact there are two different types of SEO techniques – on page and off page. In off page SEO technique, the client just prepares himself for the implementation; judging and inspecting the various aspects that will make SEO techniques work for you. On the other hand, in on page techniques you are required to improve the look, appearance and overall density of keywords and their selection as the major work.
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New Social Media Tool - Google +1 and Search Engine Rankings

Google has launched the new application called Google +1 very recently. If you have seen carefully, there is a +1 sign next to each search result in Google search results page. In this article, let’s take a look at this new tool on how it works, what are its effects on PageRank, are Google+1 and Search Engine Rankings related to each other, and how you can use it on your website.

Basically +1 is acts same as that of “Like” button on FaceBook or “Follow” on Twitter. But the effects of +1 are different from other two, as Google is basically a search engine as well as social media and blogging platform too. With +1 launched, Google is trying to strengthen its position in social media sector. As far its working is concerned, it will add one vote to the search result, website or blogpost, if a user presses on +1 sign next to it. When more number of people press +1, means vote for your website, it will be more trustworthy for Google.

Adding the Google+1 button to your own website is very easy. You have to copy-paste the following code on your website’s homepage and it will start working instantaneously. You need to place inside the <head> or just above the </body> tag of the webpage.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!– Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render –>

<g:plusone size="tall"></g:plusone>

Now comes the important question. Are Google +1 and Search Engine Rankings connected to each other in any way? Whether +1 also affects the Google PageRank of a website, is still not very clear. Some people say that it affects not directly but indirectly somewhere down the line. Whereas others claim that the PageRank is not at all affected by this new tool. However, there is good news for PPC marketers as +1 is going to be a permanent addiction in the Google AdWords. The anti-spam mechanism is already in place and if someone tries to vote more times to his or her own website to improve score, the website can be penalized.

According to some experts Google +1 is going to work in phases. During the first phase, Google will collect all the information for analysis and then during next phase, it will try to provide more personalized experience for searching and ranking operations.

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Manipulate colors with jQuery : Xcolor

xcolor is a jQuery plugin which helps you when you want to manipulate different colors. The plugin can parse and covert colors between different formats with methods like getRGB(), getHSV() or getHEX(). Another great feature that this plugin offers is extracting or combining color ( for example red + blue = purple ).
The plugin can also generate complementary color ( lighten / darken them ), find analogous / monochromatic color of an item and much more. The plugin comes with other functions where the most interesting one is -> isReadable which performs a readability test for a text on a given background.
color jquery plugin
The project and plugin can be found here
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Build an Animated Photo Wall With CSS

Today we’re going to embark on the adventure of building yet another awesome and fun CSS demo. This time we’ll create a big, seamless wall of photos. When the user hovers over an image, a transparent black overlay will fade it out as a text label fades in and the image zooms.
The result is pretty slick and I’ve also thrown in a bonus second version for those that make it all the way through the tutorial. Read on to get started!
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Read the rest of the article on : Design Shack
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